
The following Terms and Conditions of Sale regulate the sale on this website “” (Website). The seller is Theia Moira Ltd, with registered office in Sliema, Triq il Kullegg SLM1379 Malta, VAT number MT 2168-2832, (Data Controller), acting as Data Controller according to the Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

What cookies are and why they are used

A cookie is a text file that a website visited by a user sends to his or her device (computer or mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet), where it is saved in order to be re-sent to said website at the user’s next visit.

Cookies are classified as follows:

  1. on the basis of the party installing them, according to whether they are installed by the manager of the website visited ("first-party cookies") or other parties ("third-party cookies");
  2. on the basis of the purpose served by the cookie: some cookies enable a better browsing experience, by storing some of the user’s choices, for instance the language ("technical cookies"), other cookies enable the monitoring of the user’s browsing activities, also for the purpose of sending advertising materials and/or offering services in line with his or her preferences ("profiling cookies").

It is necessary to obtain the user’s prior consent exclusively in connection with the use of profiling cookies.

The Website adopts first-party technical cookies together with profiling third-party cookies.

The Data Controller takes responsibility only with reference to cookies adopted by it.

How to give consent to the use of profiling cookies

When you visit the Website for the first time, you can give consent to the use of profiling cookies by:

  1. clicking on the button "Accept" visualised in the banner.

If you do not perform any of the actions described in the banner and from the banner you access to this cookie policy, you can consent and/or deny consent, as the case may be, to the installation of cookies by clicking on the appropriate link in the "privacy information and consent form" column of the table below, if any. Attention: if you fail to do so you give consent for all cookies.

Find out how to manage cookie settings for your browser:

Internet Explorer

You shall click this link:

Google Chrome

You shall click this link:

Mozilla Firefox

You shall click this link:


You shall click this link:

In case of devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc., we ask you to verify that each browser on each device is set to allow you to express your preferences regarding cookies. You can also set third-parties cookies accessing to the website (the system operates with reference to the companies participating in the website).

Cookies set by the Website

First-party technical cookies that do not require the user’s prior consent

Cookie’s name




Browsing or session cookies that ensure normal navigation and use of the Site

Session duration


Documents the manifestation of the user's consent by performing one of the actions described in the banner/short notice. Recognises the user when he/she accesses the Site a second time so that he/she does not have to request consent to install cookies again.

Not more than 12 months


Documents the manifestation of the user's consent by performing one of the actions described in the banner/short notice. Recognises the user when he/she accesses the Site a second time so that he/she does not have to request consent to install cookies again.

Not more than 12 months

Profiling third-party cookies that require the user’s prior consent

Statistical and Analytics Cookies

The Website uses third-party cookies, even in unbundled form, for statistical and analytical purposes.



Privacy Policy

Consent Form

Google, LLC.

Measurement of site visits and purchases made for analysis purposes.

Shopify, Inc.

It collects data on user's behaviour for statistical purposes.

Consent form not available. Please use your browser settings to exercise your options regarding this cookie.

Marketing Profiling Cookies

The Data Controller uses advertising profiling cookies to deliver advertising based on the interests expressed by the user through internet browsing.



Privacy Policy

Consent Form

Google LLC.

It publishes on the site advertisements related to the interests of the user.

Shopify, Inc.

It collects data on user's behavior to optimize the site and make the advertising shown more relevant.

Consent form not available. Please use your browser settings to exercise your options regarding this cookie.

Further Information

With reference to the cookies set up directly by the Site, the Data Controller specifies the following:

  • the data are collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated above and are processed electronically;
  • technical cookies do not require the user's consent as they are necessary to allow the navigation within the WebSite and its proper use. In case of removal of technical cookies through the settings of the browser, navigation within the Website may not be possible;
  • the data collected by first party cookies may be communicated to persons acting on behalf of the Data Controller as data processors or persons in charge of processing, for purposes related to those described above. With respect to such data, we remind you that you can exercise your rights under the GDPR, as better described in the Information on the processing of personal data, by selecting the link "Privacy Policy".

With reference to third party cookies, the purposes of these cookies, the logic behind their processing and the management of user preferences with respect to cookies are not determined and / or verified by the Data Controller but by the third party that provides them, as indicated above. However, regardless of the fact that the Data Controller believes that the user has validly expressed his/her consent to the installation of cookies, including those of third parties, the Data Controller to provide support to users who request to know how to exercise their consent / selective refusal or to delete cookies from their browsers.

Data collected by the cookies issued by the Website may be communicated to individuals, including residents of foreign countries, for purposes related to those described above. With respect to such data, the user can exercise their rights under the GDPR as better described in the Privacy Policy available by selecting the link “Privacy Policy”.

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